Monday, March 27, 2017

week twenty two more or less.

To whom it may concern ( if anyone),
Wow the temple was a wonderful experience. It is just really wonderful to be able to be in a place where you can feel the spirit of  the Lord and forget about the rest of the world. Go to the temple.
Well our investigators are doing all right. We are just trying to figure out what we can do to help them progress. We are on the hunt for a Job for Luís still. We are not very experienced in that area but are not ruling anything out. We might make an announcement on the radio. We found a cool new investigator this week named Javier. We knocked on his door and as soon as he opened it he said " oh come in sit down" we were pretty sure he was an inactive member but it turns out he was a guy who had listened to the missionaries like fifteen years ago, but they had stopped visiting him. They knocked on his door more recently in the last few years and he told them to pass by but they never did. Now he is happy we are here.
This week we had a lunch appontment with a member but weren't sure how to get to their hose, so we stopped at another members house to get help. He told us to come in because he had something to show us. He walked over to his fridge and pulled out a frozen armadillo the size of a great big fat house cat with a bullet hole in its shell. The first thing I thought was " wow he had an armadillo in his fridge" The second thing I thought was "wow that reminds me of me"
We had a zone activity today and were playing soccer and I kicked a soccer ball into an hermanas face and she got slightly concussed and had to go to the hospital so I feel pretty bad about that.
Also I loaned my memory card to the zone leaders for a thing  and they are still trying to find it so no pictures this week.
Have a great week
Elder Christensen

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