Monday, April 17, 2017

High Everyone,
This week has been pretty great. In the beggining of the week we found three new investigators. The first one is a guy named Alexander and he is the local forensics police officer. Because of that he started showing us pictures of victims of car accidents and homicide from his work, which was kind of traumatic, but we still taught with the spirit and he said it gave him goosebumps. The second was a woman named Gabriela who is a person that really understands what it means to be a Christian and is diligently reading the book of mormon. The last is sergio who just likes to listen.
We had the opportunity to have interviews with president Eddy this week, which was really cool because he is super wise even though he is only 42 or something.
We also got to listen to general conference in the chapel this week. I was really grateful to have an opportunity to listen to living profets, and recieve inspiration.
Also after diligent searching and prayer we found my memory card hidden under a ten peso coin.

3) When your mom isn't around to make the tradicional german apple pancakes for conference you have to do it your self

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