Monday, April 17, 2017

Semana Santa

Dear freinds and family,
Well it was Holy Week this week. I had a lot of special opportunities to reflect on the life of Christ. It was also changes this week. Elder Cortez went to the Maroñas zone in Montevideo, which is one of the most dangerous areas of our mission, but also one of the most succesful, so I am sure  he will have fun. I am staying here in Colòn with my new comp, Elder Filigrana. He is six feet tall, 130 kilograms, 25 years old, and from Cali, Colombia. He has four months left on the mission, and is really experienced, so I think this will be a good change.
We found a new investigator this week named Alberto, who we taught where he lives and works in the local cigarillo distrubution center ( That is to say the Uruguay approved cigarillos, Not the illegal brazilian ones). I consider him to be a golden investigator solely because he invited his neighbor to come to the appointment with us. We had a really good talk with Javier about the restoration of the Gospel and the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, and he promised to read and pray about it so that was also pretty great. We taught the plan of salvation to Alexander, and then he accepted a baptismal date! That was pretty exciting as well.
I would like to say that sunday morning is the most spiritually stressful time in a missionary's week. In the morning I was reading about the ressurection and then I was getting ready I just felt this overwhelming joy to know that Christ really lives and rose from the grave. Then at church Alezander didn't come even though he said he would the day before, and when that happens you just feel really sad. All in a days work though. It really was a wonderful Easter, and I am grateful to be able to share the message of Jesus Christ with so many people.
Have a fantastic week, and don't eat too much choclate,
Elder Christensen.

P.S. There are no USB ports in this computer.

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