Monday, April 24, 2017

Week one of cambio 5

Hey everyone,
Wow this week went by really fast and I can't even remember what happened. I do know that yesterday we were able to teach a lesson to an investigator named mirta who is little and old. We taught her about how and why families can be together eternally and she received it really well. We also found a new investigator named Luís who we taught about the restoration and how the Book of Mormon testifies of teh divinty of Christ. He received it well and I am thinking that he is going to make some serious progression. 
All of the missionaries in the stake are organizing a mission related activity for the youth this saturday, and on sunday we handed out mock mission calls, and all of the youth in our ward are really excited. One was so enthusiastic that she gave us a list of six of her friends that she wants us to go and teach. Things are going pretty well here.
Other than that we are descending into a cold wet winter. It is pretty fun. Oh and I don't know why I keep forgetting to write about this but every saturday at 10 am I teach an english class. I am not exactly sure why because I am  definitley not qualified to speak english professionally but we only have one student so not too much damage done.
Well disfrutensen su semana
Elder Christensen

1) Melo, 200 years in the making

2) Elder Filigrana ready to go

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