Tuesday, March 14, 2017

week 20

Wow everybody I can't wait to tell you about some of our investigators.
One of them is this this guy named Malaquìas ( That's spanishyol for Malachai) His has been taking lessons from the missionaries for months now and has a super strong testimony of basically everything and has had a number of baptismal dates but they keep falling through because he wants his family to join him but they are not interested and that makes him feel lonely. He is kind of old and really smart and loves to learn things and talk all day about them. He reminds me a lot of Victor from back in Lomas.
We have this neighborhood outside of our regular area called Hippodromo because it has a hippodrome and the hermanas messed up and went proselyting there and found this guy named Luìs who was really excited to get baptized this saturdau and we have been teaching him. The problem is that he works taking care of horses for this guy and his boss threatend to fire him because he had been going to the church on sunday morning instead of to work, so we are not sure what to do about that. Suggestions are appreciated.
The sunday before last we had a fast with all of the members in the mission to be able to find the people write now who are prepared to be baptized and I think it is working. On thurday it was raining really hard, and we went to this future investigators house as a back up plan, and the lady named Eh del Vina, let us teach her and she said that she had been waiting for us to pass by and recognized that we were sent by God, and we taught her about prayer and the restoration, and she understood everything really well and liked it a lot and agreed to be baptized on April eighth. Crazy stuff.
I got my hair cut last week. First time in my life that I have ever gone to a barbist. He did a pretty good job but not as good as dad does it.
Today I complete 6 months. It is like I just got done with the first lap of the mile race. To celebrate we went to this little pueblo that is in the zone leaders area and right on the border of Brazil called Aceguà. We went to buy important supplies cheap, like brazilian choclate. I saw a lot of guachos. I would like to be a gaucho. And also learn portuguese.
I couldn't check the pictures today but I am pretty sure they are

1) Me in Brazil

2) Me and Elder Cortez taking an epic selfie

3) La Frontera

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