Sunday, March 26, 2017

week 21

Dear folks and friends,
We have had another excellent week. This week we fasted with Malaquìas to help him to feel the comfort and courage he needs from the Lord to take the step to be baptized. He was really excited about it and I think we will see some good results from that. We also have a new investigator called Laura. She was on the point of being baptized about a year ago and she is really interested in listening to us again. Our investigator Luìs Told us that he would be willing to quit his Job in order to be able to keep the sabbath day and be baptized, It is Just that he is fifty two and has done nothing but take care of race horses his whole life so he needs to be able two find a new job. That takes a mountain of faith. I don't really know what to do besides pray.
It got significantly cooler this week. I am excited for winter because it is more adventurous and I look good in winter clothes. We did a lot of walking this week, and because I had eaten a bunch of choclate it kind of destroyed my body. I decided that I need more protein in my life so i got some powdered milk. I realized that it is the same stuff they put on the outside of cheese puffs. I felt simutaneously proud of food science and engañared. I also put powdered milk into fresh milk. It was amazing, like milk flavored milk, double milk. I would recomend.
We are at a temple conference in Montevideo today. I am pretty excited because it has been 6 months since I went to the temple and I could use the spiritual revitilization.
Have a great week
Elder Christensen

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