Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 5

Dearly Belove Friends and Family,

This week was a pretty normal seven day period. We mostly just worked hard trying to find new investigators. Actually there were a number of instances where we were lead to run into people we needed to run into just at the right time. A lot of times it was people who have had the missionaries over before and are perhaps more prepared now and want us to come by and chat. A couple of days ago this kid about our age actually pulled up in front of us on his bike and asked us for folletos (pamphlets). That was pretty crazy because no one ever asks to talk with us so i pulled out a handful and told him to have as many as he wants. We actually ended up walking by his house later and we had a chat. His name is Emiliano and he got hit by a motorcycle about a year ago and is really grateful to God to be alive. He wants us to come back so that is cool.
For thanks giving we were going to have asado with this family but that fell so we went to the elderes house in El Pinar and made chorizo tacos with southwest seasoning. Because I am a Missionary writing an Email I guess I am obligated to write an unbearably cheesy, totally cringe worthy list of things i am grateful for.
Dulce de Leche
The hot water tank in our shower
Dogs that don't bark at us
People who are interested in our message
The Fam back home
All of the miracles I get to see
The Miraculous change the Atonement makes in peoples live.
Also I figured out how to do thïs. Christensen out.

1 They have the same green parrots here as in Mexico

2 the Saur I found. His name is Ronnie

3 The sum total of our Christmas decor

4 Elder Slimming making us his farewell asado

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