Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Week six

Fellow travelers through time and space,

Well preparation day is on tuesday this week because it gives everybody who is changing areas this week a day to get ready to leave on wednesday. Speaking of which, I made itt through my first change in the field!  It seems like it went by way faster than the same amount of thime in the CCM. In fact this whole year went by faster than any ever before. I will probably wake up one day soon and realize that I am 120 years old and my whole life has gone by. Anyway me and Elder Lockhart are staying here in Lomas.
So I was studying my scriptures, especially Isaiah 53, and I noticed how the scriptures always talk about the Savior being despised and rejected of men, being cast down and trodden down and so forth. The scriptures also talk a lot about the Savior carrying things for us like our griefs, our sorows, the chastisement of our peace, and many other things. So it seems to me that the atonement, in large part, is about Him who is great and strong descending down low so He could lift the rest of us, who are weak, up to where He is. I don't know I just really like that imagery.
It suddenly got really hot this week, like the kind of heat that makes you want to lie down and fall asleep and never half to wake up again, but I here it gets way hotter than this and I am sure that in winter we will be begging for the heat so that should be pretty fun.
We also got to go to downtown Montevideo in the other mission yesterday so Elder Lockhart could get an ingrown toenail taken care of so I included a picture( of the city not the toenail).

 1 an oven bird. They are pretty fascinating. you should look into them.

2 some cool clouds over the Giannatasio where I live

3 some buildings

4 some uruguayo churros

5 My friend and zone leader Elder Slimming is going back home to chile this week so I included a tribute of him with his homemade fishing rig

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