Tuesday, December 20, 2016

week 8

Hey Everyone,

Life here is good and normal. I am getting pretty excited for Christmas because it will be a great celebration. I have been trying to wear my santa hat every night but it is not totally weather appropriate. As far as stuff that happened this week, well we were walking down the nameless street known to missionaries as calle de sangre (long story) and I looke ddown and I saw a wallet in the grass. It belonged to someone named carlos and it was full of cash, so we found his phone number and called him and returned it, so that was pretty cool. I got to break down a wall with a crow bar. I finally got myself a mate, bombilla, thermos and bag of yerba which is everything I need to become a true Uruguayo. The mate is made of a piece of a cattle which is pretty great. I drank some with like a liter of hot water saturday morning and I felt normal all day but then I couldn't fall asleep until 2 that night so I may have to get more acustomed. We were walking yesterday and somebody had tied some horses up in the brush, and apparently people here don't like it when you touch their horses but there didn't seem to be anybody aroun so I touched one and it looked pretty confused, but it made me feel like I was back home so that was cool. ¿What do you call crocidilians that work with stocks and meet regularly with the LDS missionaries? ¡Invest-a-gators! For reasons unknown the hot water tank in our shower stopped functioning so I have been taking cold showers to toughen up my body and become more of a hard core kind of person. It is really not so bad once you get completely wet. Also I had to go to Montevideo today to sign some residency papers, so I am now officially a permanent resident of The Oriental Republic of the Uruguay. Yup.

1: My cow horn mate.

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