Monday, November 7, 2016

Week two

Exalted Friends and Brethren,

Well This week has gone by really fast, becasue everyday we work hard. It means I sleep great though. We got a cool new investigator this week. It was monday and Halloween, and there are some little kids that go trick or treating here, but nobody puts up decorations or anything. So we thought we would take advantage of people opening their doors and do a little tracting. The first door we clapped at this young guy came out and we told him who we were, and then it came out that we were both Americans, and he started talking to us in perfect english. His name is Joaquin and he spent the last year traveling through southeast asia, and somehow he learned english doing it. We asked him if we could come in and he was like "yeah sure guys" so we went in and talked to him and his dad for a bit, and then we asked if we could share a message. He asked if we would give it in english, so I got to share the restoration in English!!! It was really great becasue I could actually participate effectivley and follow the spirit and stuff. I had been hoping that I would be able to share the Gospel with someone in english on my mission but i never thought that it would be in the first week. We went back on wednesday and by the time we got there his mom had baked us straight up american style choclate chip cookies. You really do see blessings on the mission. We also randomly ran into his sister doing street contacts. We are totally getting that family baptized.

We also found some other cool people like this guy named walter who has talked to missionaries before. This thing happend saturday night where we were walking in the street and this guy walked up to us and he was like come with me. So we followed him and he was totally intoxicated and I was worried he was going to fall into the ditch on the side of the road. He was like i served a mission for the evangelical mormons. And we were like where, And he said Europe, and we were like, what country and he said, chile. we got to his house and then he yelled at us like TALK TO MY SON! And then he left the room and we were like, what is going on? and his son was like oh he has just been drinking, so then he came back and he was like I could hurt if I wanted, which was super funny because he was like a good foot shorter than us and chubby and drunk and not very muscular, so we said we have to go and he was like " ok by freinds take care", and then we gave besos and left. So that was a good life experience.

Some other things about Uruguay. They have fireflies here just like back home which is great. All of the cigarrete boxes have pictures of premies and lip cancer and things which is good because it makes our job easier. There was and elder who lived in our house who had a thermometer and proved that when it is cold our house is actually colder inside and when it is hot our house is actually hotter. Sometimes I have to teak a break and stand outside for a minute to get back to a normal temperature. I have a lo of pictures form the beach this week because we went fishing with the zone leaders, but don't get the Idea that my area is super beach oriented because it really doesn't feel that waya at all

 Me and elder Lockhart

A grebe or a gannet or something. 

A picture of the temple that a little girl in or ward drew for us.

A very cool key ring

Me with a sea lion jawbone I found

Zona de Costa Fotos:

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