Tuesday, November 1, 2016

First Email from the field

Happy Halloween!

First of all I would just like to say that Uruguay is amazing, and I love it here. Second of all Is an account of the past week. We got on the plane in Mexico and got on our way. All of the airline personel would occasionaly make comments about us missionaries and the church. I think that they thought that we couldn't understand what they were saying, which is true, but more than they thought. We got to santiago just as the sun was rising. It was really spectacular looking out over the andes mountains as they were beeing sillouetted from behind and a green glow came through the fog. We changed planes and I got to Montevideo with all of my stuff, except thet somebody tooke the handle covers that I had put on my checked luggage. I am not really sure what they would want with those. President Eddy, my mission president, is really great. They took us all back to the mission home and fed us a lot of food, and we spent the night in the mission home.

The next day I met my trainer and went to my area. My traners name is Elder Lockhart. He is from Huntington Beach California, where he liked to surf. My Area is called Lomas de Solymar. Thats is like saying hills o' sun n' sea. We are right on the coast so I got to look at the beach the first day. It is pretty cool because you can see the ships coming in to Montevideo, and Buenos Aires. I also saw a dead sea lion, which is by far the biggest dead thing I have ever seen on the beach.

The ward here is great. Everbody is friendly and helpful. I bore my testimony in church yesterday. It was allright. I can't really understand what anybody is saying because the accent here is different, but I get a little better everyday. We have a bunch of investigators, one of whom has a baptismal date in a couple of weeks, and some others who are really interested and have strong testimonies but just want to take it slow before they get baptized. We have a lot of work to do every day.

The weather here is interesting. One day it is humid and breezy, like a kiss from the air. The next day it is just ridiculously umbrella breaking windy, and the other days just warm and sunny. The food is spectacular. It is like a bunch of sweet grandmothers from the south, great Britain, Germany, and Italy all got together to cook a giant lunch for their grandchildren.

Unfortunately that is all I have time to tell today so Chau!
Elder Christensen

1: A tiny Chilean mountain. Others were bigger but I couldn't get a picture

2: Elder Lockhart in our house.

3: Our House

4:I believe this is an Inca dove. Which experts can't agree on if it is the same species as the mourning dove

5: Our chapel

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