Thursday, October 27, 2016

For real this time.

 Hello everybody,
This is my actual last email from the CCM and I am not going to say a lot, I just wanted to put a few pictures on the record. It has been an emotional past few days, with everyone saying adios and such as that. It is just me and Elder Cole here in the computer lab, because everybody else left early in the morning. Our Bus leaves at four so that gives me five more hours to rest and prepare.

I have a request. There are two species of deer in Uruguay. One is known in english as the marsh deer, and the other is known in spanish as el venado del campo. If someone could find out for me the spanish name of the former and the english name of the latter, as well as their Latin names I would be greatly appreciative.

Reflecting back on my time here I have recieved a lot of spiritual food, which I am grateful for. I have also recieved a lot of physical food which I am also grateful for. I have not gained a lot of weight but I have lost a lot of muscle mass so you get the idea. Hopefully these will have prepared me for the rigors of the field. I will report later.

1: Us and Hemana Gutierrez, our morning teacher

2: An alright picture of a red and black bird

3: Us and Hermano Suaste, our afternoon teacher

4: A tree full of parrots stealing the branches for their nests

5: Me and Presidente Eggleston, who likes to recite poetry, and Presidente Suaste, who likes to speak English

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