Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Last Week

Dearest and most esteemed people who read my emails,

My travel came this week so it is getting real. I will be leaving Monday night at about 8:30 for an 8 hour flight to Santiago Chile. Then we have a three hour layover and a 2 and a half hour flight to Montevideo, after which we will be spending a night in the mission home. And then I have no Idea what to expect. We weighed our bags today to make sure they were under weight. I had about 24 pounds to spare, but Elder Cole was about 2 pounds over. I am going to see if we can cut out the lining of his suitcase, maybe the covers and non essential pages of all of his books, or the middle part of the soles of his shoes. It will work out somehow. There are nine of us going to Montevideo, and a bunch more going to Santiago, so the plane should be fun, but I probably won't sleep.

Yesterday President Bonnie Oscarson, the young womens general president visited. She gave a cool devotional about a number of things, like relying on the Lord's help, and accepting when He cuts you down to make you into what He needs you to be. It is nice to know that the people in Salt Lake havn't forgotten about us down here in Mexico.

I was talking with Elder Gray, the leader of one of the other districts in our zone, and he said something that really struck me. He said " I have found that you can learn as much as you want to here." He is right, and that is kind of the reason that we are here on the Earth, to see how much we will choose to learn. I haven't been able to stop thinking about that.

I have another spanish joke ¿ Cuantos estrellas hay en el cielo? ¡ Cincuenta! ¡ Ja Ja Ja Ja!

We had a really cool experince today that I would like to share. We were walking to the comedor for lunch, and decided last minute to take a shortcut. We passed a maintenance area and a work shouted at Elder Fa'amausili "Hey you the samoan!"( He is from Denver). He then told him that he had a coworker who wasn't a member and wanted to ask him about his beliefs. Elder Fa'amausili was able to share his testimont, and the man was very interested. That's not all folks. At lunch Elder Fa'amausili told us how he had been praying for a week that he would be able to share his testimony with one of the workers who wasn't a member, but that this morning he had decided that it wasn't going to happen and this would be the last time that he prayed for that. And then he was specifically singled out to share his testimony with someone who had only been working here at the CCM for three hours. It shows how the Lord awnsers our prayers, and how after the trial or your faith you recieve a witness. Pretty cool.

I Don't know if I will be able to email again before getting to the field, so I would just like to thank everyone who has been sending me emails. I am sorry that I don't have sufficient time to respond to everyone but I really apreciate your words of support and the opportunity to hear about what is going on back home.
With a sincere heart and truthful intention,
Elder Christensen

1: A blurry but otherwise cool picture of the moon

2: Antes

3: Despues

4: There is a bird in this picture

5 and 6: Some pictures that people in the district drew of me

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