Sunday, October 9, 2016

Three and a half week email.

Fellow members of the human family,

Well I have made It past my halfway mark here at the CCM. The days and the weeks have just been going by faster and faster. I am a little worried that I won´t have much interesting to write about today because the days are mostly all the same, but they never get old or boring, which I think is one of the blessings of being here.

We had the opportunity to watch general conference this weekend on the big screen in the auditorium. It was really wonderful. All day long we just sat their and received spiritual ministration from the prophets and church leaders. Honestly one day would have been enough because by Sunday I was a little exhausted from all of it. It was interesting because for some reason I had had the feeling all week that Elder Hale would have something important to say to me and when he gave his talk he specifically addressed the question that I came into conference with. One of many small miracles. Also during conference I saw my friend Josh Hancock singing In the MTC choir, and I saw my great uncle playing the oboe before one of the sessions started. That was a cool treat.

I feel like my district and I have been improving a lot as far as teaching goes. I have really started to feel the spirit while I teach and when I listen to other companionships teach. We just might be adequately prepared to go into the field. Tomorrow we are going to teach a lesson to a real person from the community who may be a new convert less active member or something similar. I feel a little nervous to do that at this point, but I guess if God trusts us to do it then we are going to be just fine.

Other news this week: I ate my cerrano chile. It really wasn't that bad. I was expecting a bigger challenge. I just realized that I have been using accent marks instead of apostrophes because this keyboard is for spanish. My teacher told a funny joke that I would like to share with everyone. Here it is: ¿QuĂ© es la diferencia entre de una pera (a pear) y la novia de un misionero? ¡ La novia de un misionero no espera! ¡ Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja! All of the districts in the zone that were older than us left tuesday, so now we are the senior district. It is really strange how fast that turn around happened. We welcomed a new district in yesterday and that was really cool. They are good kids.
And that is the news from Lake Wobegon, now for some pictures.

1: A poor picture of a parrot

2: another poor picture of a parrot. They don't like to comply with the photographer.

3: Me and Elder Michels

4: Me and Elder Fonotisitele

5: A mural from back when the CCM was a church run highschool

6: A poor picture of a dove. I don't think wildlife photography is my calling. 

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