Friday, September 30, 2016

Second week Through

Relatives, associates, compadres, and other assorted personnel,
Well It seems like every single day goes by faster and faster. Two and a half weeks in and i think that I have finally stared to learn some important things.

First of all It turns out that the good Lord really does care about your little problems and answers your little prayers, even if it is just to be able to remember all of the words to a hymn in English. 
Second it is totally true that it is the spirit that carries the message more than the words of the speaker. Living in a place where most people speak a language that you really can't understand you learn that quickly, as long as you can get an idea of what somebody means or what a scripture is talking about then the spirit can work in your heart.
Third I finally figured out for myself what it means to have faith like a mustard seed. If you let a little bit of faith into your heart, water it, pull the weeds constantly and give it enough sunshine, then it will grow rapidly, and it is amazing. I have known about that parable for as long as I can remember and I have just begun to finally understand what it means.
Fourth you will be so much happier if you focus on love instead of negative feelings. Whether It be for the people around you, the schedule, the food, the climate, or the traffic noises at night it is of the utmost importance to love.

This week in the news. I decided that I really want to qualify for the gift of tongues, so I made a commitment to only speak Spanish except during certain special occasions. It has been quite a ride. I think that I have probably made up a lot of phrases that don't really exist in Spanish. My district was sufficiently inspired by me that they decided to go all of Thursday with out speaking English. The punishment for someone who spoke ten words was that they have to eat a cerrano chile on monday. Anyone who goes twenty or more has to eat a habaƱero, both to be provided by Hermano Suaste. I only spoke seven words, beaten by Elder Holdaway who spoke one, but three of my words were when I offered myself as a sacrifice to trick the Hermanas into speaking English. I am going to eat the peppers just for the manly experience.

We got to go to the temple again today. It is a nice experience and I feel grateful because these may be the last few times I get to go for a while.

Funny story, we haven't really had a problem with mosquitos getting into our casa, but I woke up really early one morning, only partially conscious, and I thought that I heard and felt a mosquito buzzing around my face, so i would slap myself really hard, in a delirious, half a sleep manner and then I would think that I got it, but then it would start again. This went on for quite a while. It might have just been a weird noise from outside.

Other than that we got two new, pretend investigators this week. They are a lot more difficult and have actual problems that we have to figure out how to work with. It is really interesting trying to discuss the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with someone who is pretending to be a sixteen year old girl whose mother is making her listen to you and you can only understand one in five words on a good day. Still though, my language skills have already improved exponentially.

The days are going by faster and faster, Before I know it I am going to be in the field doing this for real. Here are some pictures.

a weird bird

A depiction of our Lord and savior in resurrected form

a guy on a roof

A positive vibrations shop

A nice tree

District Leader Fa'amausili typing emails

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