Monday, November 14, 2016

week three email

¡Howdy Folks!
Well, I had my firsst baptism this week! It was for our investigator Saya (the y makes a "shh" sound so it is like sasha). Her story is that a few months ago she started living with her aunts family who are really strong members of our ward. She started going to church with them and she realized that she wanted her life to be like that. She started taking the missionary lessons and over time she has developed a really strong testimony of the restoration. Her baptism was on Saturday and her cousin Andy baptized her. He is a real capo because he has a super strong testimony and comes to lessons and stuff with us. it was really great to see someone make this step in their life to follow Christ. Pretty cool stuff.
I also went to a wedding this week. It was for Richard and Hermana Concepción. They were a couple in our ward who were living together so Elder Lockhart and his old companion Elder Bravo went and dropped some cane on them and convinced them to get married so we were kind of obligated to go. Uruguaya weddings are pretty low key. If you are getting married you just go to a government office, your friends and family come wearing whatever they feel like, some witnesses sign a form, a judge or something comes out and says some legal stuff in spanish, you trade rings, then you walk outside and everybody chucks rice at you, and then you leave. Then a ton of doves come and eat the rice. I think that was only the second wedding I have ever been to.
I bought a bag of ultrapastuerized milk this week. That was a mistake. Definitely the worst tasting thing I have had so far which is a good thing and a bad thing. I also had canelones which are condensed cream of broccoli soup wrapped in crepes with creme cheese and tomato sauce on top. Pretty interesting. And that was pretty much my week. Kind of flew by.
Oh, also one day we were trying to unlock the gate to leave, but we couldn't because it was hot and the metal had expanded, so Elder Lockhart jumped the eight foot fence, and I tried to follow but I am not very flexible so when I landed I tripped and fell in the grass.

1: Saya and Andy

2: for preparation day last week we wnet to the Elders house in El Pinar and made breakfast burritos from scratch.

3:A couple of these giant doves they have here like twice the size of a pidgeon.

4: my piture of milk in a bag.

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