Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Week four email

Hey everybody,

More good news because our investigator Victor got baptized this week. Victor is a very gracious 74 year old Chileno. He is a doctor and a writer and is just super cool and smart. His story is that one day a few months ago Elder Bravo and Elder Slimming were on intercambios and they knocked on his door, and they are both Chilenos  so Victor fest like he should let them in. Anyway he read the Book of Mormon and gained a strong testimony of it and the restoration and the gospel but he didn't want to get baptized yet because he is old and wanted to be sure. So they just kept teaching him the lessons and he would always take really detailed notes and have good questions from his personal study. Sometimes he would even call us with questions. So me and Elder Lockhart were there and we were teaching him about the fast beecause fast sundya was coming up, and he said he wanted to fast to be able to understand more about the gospel. So we did the fast with him and Elder Lockhart recieved some revelation about what to do. We went back and taught the last required lesson which was diezmo, and then Elder Lockhart said " you know we fasted with you the other day and we feel like the best way for you to understand more is to be baptized and recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit" Victor basically said " your right lets do it on the 19th". And the rest was history. We need to find some more good investigators though.
Also Elder Rasband Came this week. We had a big conference with him and Elder Christensen of the 70 and both missions were there. He is very warm and friendly in person and he had everyone shake his hand. He also gave a really good talk and I could feel the presence of the spirit in the room when he spoke.
That was pretty much my week.

1: swallow

2:us and victor

3:The endangered Uruguayo house eagle

4:stuffed squash. 'Nuff said

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