Monday, November 13, 2017

week one offices

Hey everybody,
So I am here in the offices typing an email. It is pretty great. Yeah so what happened is that on sunday they picked me up on sunday and then on monday we had to pack our bags to go stay in the hostal by the temple and then spent the next few days picking up and processing new missionaries, getting rid of old ones and getting everybody changed to their new areas. It was actually pretty weird and crazy this time, because, Elder Davies from the presiding bishoprik came to speak to both of the missions on the same day as changes. It was also sad becasue we sent some of my best friends on the mission home, like Elder Palomino and Elder Espínola. And I havn't been able to fo to my proselyting area yet so that is kind of killing me. And In my old Area Elder Souza from Brazil land took my place, so now Elder Helske is going to be forced to speak only spanish or Portuguese, which makes me really really happy.
So yeah see you next week.

1) The assistants, Elder Mecham from Brigham city Utah, and Elder Estouco from Matto Grosso

2) The Financial Secretaries, Elder BazaesfromlosangelesChile and Elder Newman from Pleasant Grove Utah.

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