Monday, October 30, 2017

Only one more week to go here guys

Well Anther week has come and gone. I only have one more week to be here in Ferrocarril, so I need to start packing, but I know that not everything I have will fit into my suitcases so I need to find someting heavy to press it down. We didn't actually have a lot of time to work in our area this week. First I had divisions with Elder Araùjo in his area. He was excited because District leader Espìnola is broken and can't proselyte very much. He also taught me some more Portuguès. Then we had divisions with the zone leaders in their area. I went with Elder Lockhart, and it was weird because it was like being an oro again except I could actually contribute. THen we had a service project all day with the whole stake on saturday. So yeah.
We had some chill milagritos though. Our investigators Daniel has a teenage son named sebastian who was totally not interested in the church because the uruguayo youth thinks that churches are strange. But then he sat in on a lesson we were haveing, and we found out later that He went to the youth activities at the church and wanted to come on sunday and learn more. Which was super cool. But then Daniel and his Pareja Alejandra had an argument on saturday night so they didn't come the next morning, which figures. But still super cool!
We are also teaching this girl that for some reason we call Marìa but everybody else calls by her other name Yanila. Her dad and her dad's wife are active members, and she recently moved in with them, and has been taught by anterior missionaries, and wants to be baptized in a couple of weeks which will be super cool.
Some other details from my life. So a couple of weeks ago somebody sacrificed a couple of chickens and some popcorn and potatoes on a street corner near our house, which wasn't really a problem, except that the chickens got pulled into the street by dogs, and repeatedly run over, so now there are a couple of smelly squished chickenysmears that we have to walk past everday.
One of the things that we have to do as missionaries is shave everyday, except that on mondays I don't like to shave until the tardecita when we go out to proselyte. However before coming to the cyber today I went into the bathroom and saw my face in the mirror, and the Holy spirit said " Elder Christensen You got to shave" And I said, " No its okay" and then the spirit said "Afeitate" and I said "No, no quiero" and left the room. Then I went back and shaved and the spirit was content, and I am content because the spirit is content. So seguid el espìritu pues.
Also we were walking down the street today and I little girl asked  us something and I didn't understand because I wasn't listening, but I realized she wanted help, so she led us down the street to where a lady was reaching into a big green dumpster. So the lady told us that they were passing the dumpster and heard it make noise and asked us if we could get it out. So we lookid in the dumpster and there was a little baby puppy crying. SO we got it out. Somebody threw away a puppy man. Not cool.
Elder Christensen

1) This is Nestor. He sings tango. He is also a false prophet who is flying to rome tomorrow to talk to the pope and reform the church.

2) Elder Lockhart gave me a Book of Mormon in arabic. I want to learn arabic. I also want to start a collection of holy writ.

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