Monday, October 2, 2017


Hey everyone how is it going? It has been a pretty good couple of weeks. We have had some interesting stuff go down. First of all changes went down. Elder Vera got upped to district leader, but not my district leader, so I can just treat him like normal, so only a tiny change in the house politics. The best thing is that my dad Elder Lockhart got transfered here to be our zone leader which is pretty great. Although I think he is mad at me for forgetting to call him on his birthday that one time. And yeah. 
 Last sunday we had an investigator that we found by our own initiative come to church. His name is Nestor. He is this old secretly rich catholic guy that has a super cool army bike from the fifties with a side car. Elder Helske really likes motorcycles. He came to the first two hours of sunday school and then cut out before sacrament meeting becasue it had been three weeks since he went to the Misa and he couldn't miss. Which was pretty funny.
Elder Helske has a personal debit card. He went to the ATM to get some money. For reasons unknown the machine ate his card. So later when the bank was open we went to try to get it back. We went in and sat down and the strangest feeling came over me. It was like all this responsibility lifted of my shoulders and all I had to do was sit in a comfortable chair in a climate controled environment and listen to pleasant ringing sounds as I let other people take care of things I had absolutely no control over. I kind of hope it happens again so we can go back.
We also got to go to general conference. General conference was excellent. The first session on saturday answered a lot of questions I had about things and stuff. I am really grateful for the opportunity we have to listen to living prophets. we listened in the stake center. I was really struck by something this one leader guy said,which being translated, says something like " Love without service is like faith wihtout works. Dead."
Keep it real
Elder Christensen

1) I found a giant millipede crossing the road today. I love giant millipedes .

2) I really love giant millipedes.

3) we went to the hospital to try to visit one of our investigators, which actually turned into an interesting adventure, but the hospital was pretty sketchy and included this stray dog.

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