Monday, September 18, 2017

Two laps down, two more to go.

Hiya folks,
Well I wasn't actually going to mention this but it was fun so now I have to. I finished a year this week. I was planning on ignoring it and just pretending it was a normal day, but Elder Helske is the best so he mad us go to the super market so he could buy a bunch of stuff, and then we celebrated with Toddy time, Mate celestial, and a ton of alfajores con leche. I felt really full. Elder Helske is the best.
We also got to go to the temple last tuesday. I really like going to the temple. It is a good place to seek revelation. We were taking the G La Paz bus back from the temple wich takes a really long time. When we got off we walked a little of the ways toward home and I realized that I did not have our phone. It slid out of my pocket on the bus. A phone is really important in our daily routine. That night when the Colòn elders got home we used their phone to call our phone. A guy answered claiming to be Estèfano who told us to meet him in the morning in the plaza de colòn. I thought he sounded Just like our zone leader Elder Paulson, wich was really confusing because we weren't on the bus with them. So in the morning we went the plaza and Elder Paulson and Elder Jones showed up. Then a guy selling key chains came up and started bible bashing us. Then they gave us our phone, except they had dropped and broken it. So we went without a phone for a few days. Then at the conference for new missionaries they gave us a newer nicer one.

I also got to use my new found soccer skills to start teaching four new investigators in the street. What's even better is that the brother of one of them was there and is already a member although less active. So we are going to be working a lot with them.

1) Elder Diaz at the new missionary coneference

2) Elder Helske covered in Junk food. The junk food is better here because it is made with grasas trans

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