Saturday, November 25, 2017

¡Feliz día del pavo!

Hey everybody,
Well I am writing on thursday today because it is thanksgiving so president Eddy had us change our p day so we could do thanksgiving things. Elder Bazaes is kind of confused about why but I think he is happy to celebrate anywho. So yeah this morning we went and played flag football at the american school with The Eddy family, and the President and office elders from the other mission. I think it was the first time I have ever played an actual game of football of anysort, but it was pretty fun even though I'm not very good at sportsball. Sorry Dad. Then at 1:30 we are going to eat a traditional thanksgiving dinner with that same people. It will even include a real actual pavo. That is crazy because most people here have never eaten pavo because you can only get it in the tienda inglesa, which is like a fancy super market of imported products, and I think pavo sells at like 50 dollars a bird, which if I remember right is over thirty dollars more expensive than in the states. But I am most excited for the pie and cranny berry relish. I miss pie. And cran berry relish. But especially sweet potatoes.
So we are also super excited about our area. This week we found a cute little old couple named María and Alberto who are very special because they were super excited to receive us, they actually understood what we taught, and they agreed to be baptized. We are going back today and they said they were going to make us a cake, so I hope I have room. We also found a kid named mateo to teach who is really interested in religion, and a young family composed of Nicolás and Kati, and their tiny baby Morena. They also agreed to be baptized, and we are feeling super excited because even though we have limited time to proselyte we are finding a ton of people to teach which is great, because we didn't have very many. Although I feel like we could find a lot more if we would go into the sketchy parts of our area, because we have been staying almost entirely in the nicer part that is closer to where we live. So we will see what happens.

Scripture of the week: Alma 34: 37-41
Portuguese phrase of the week: O sagrádo espírito de Deus é meu constante companhero

1) I found a box of Das Buch Mormon in the depository so I am happy.

2) This is me and my plush pet Bobby the bactrian camel

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