Monday, August 28, 2017

week two training

Oi genge,

Well It has been another absolutley fabulous week in the service of the Lord.  Elder Helske is making progress in his adjusment to a fully fledged mormon missionary. He has been pretty resfriado, so Hermana Eddy, President Eddy's wife told us to stay in the house all friday. We took advantage of the opportunity to catch up on some sleep. Well I did that. Elder Helske has actually been overcome by an incredible never before seen scripture marking mania. His sky blue colored pencil has turned into a stub in less than a week. He boxed in every single verse in genesis chapters one and two in orange. I am not actually sure how he does that so well given that he his slightly color blind. But if he can make sense of all of the confusing marks then its all right.
I realized that I am not really qualified to train a new missionary, so I have mostly been treating him like a regular companion that I just have to show how to do everything and hope that one way or another we can simultaneously survive and not destroy the area. I moslty have to do all of the contacitng and teaching, and talking in general by my self, but one night we were just teaching the familia Pereira  and talking a little about the expiaciòn and he heard me say dicha palabra and he got excited and whipped aout mosiah chapter fourteen and read it and taught it all by himself in really broken spanish, and he actually has really great ideas about what we can do for the area and the investigators so I am happy about the inititiative.
Other things that happend this week. We are getting into the rainy spring season, so it rained quite a bit this week. It was hard to keep my clothes dry, so I have been wearing certain clothing items for the past three days, but it is okay because the weather is cool. Actually all of the rain has made the air more humid than normal, and our floor is ceramic, so it was pretty soaked  and gross for a couple days.
Elder Helske has been teaching me about the finnnish concept of sisul, wich he basically described as the burning motivation shared by all finns to do things just because somebody said they couldn't, drive out the russians with only cocktail bombs, or be happy during the winter. I decided to share in the finnish spirit and commit myself to having a six pack by the end of his twelve week training period.
So see you in twelve.

Me and my comp

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