Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Week Twelve Ferrocarril

Hello Everybody,

Well time has come for changes. That means that some things will be changing. On monday I got a call from president Eddy Who said, "Elder Christensen You are going to be training". So on wednesday I go to the mission home to pick up a brand new missionary, and will spend the next three months making sure he doesn't get lost or eaten by feral dogs. I am pretty excited because it is going to be fun. Then later we found out that I will be staying here to train and my causa Elder Tenazoa is being transfered to parque de plata. It is kind of weird that he was only here one change but that is okay. Other than that we are moving forward as normal. In the last few weeks we have had a really hard time finding new investigators or having lessons with people so I am going to have to think of some different methods to try out. I will let you all know what happens.
Jergas Peruanas: Causa, Chuchera, Pata, Broter= Homie. ¡Que Palta Loco! - What avocado, crazy person= That was a silly thing you did or said.
Have a great week
Elder Christensen

1) ¡Noche de Hogar!

2) A Macumba sacrifice in the local park. Umbanda, It kills chickens.

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