Monday, August 21, 2017

Week 13 Ferrocarril

Good afternoon everyone,

Well It happened. I am now training a brand new missionary. Early in the morning on saturday I traveled to the mission home in Carrasco where all twenty of the new trainers were fed a delicious breakfast casserole, and then given a capacitation from president Eddy. Then we all went and hid behind the temple to wait for the oros to line up facing away from us. I started shivering from being nervous which is just another of the weird things that have started happening to me on the mission. Then we went up and lined up behind them until they were told to turn around and meet us. And that is how I got my new companion which si different from how it normally happens. His name is Elder Mark Klint Helske. He is from Kemi, Finland, except that his mom is a gringa and he has lived in saint george Utah for the last few years which is how he ended up coming here. He is 18 years old and strait out of highschool. He used to have hair that was super long on the top but shaved on the sides. He likes motorcycles, welding, rugby, playing percussion in the marching band, and a lot of other things to. We actually get a long super well which is great, although it is awkward trying to switch back into english especially because elder vera is training a Peruano in the same house.
But I actually feel kind of bad for him because he is experiencing major culture shock, really misses his girlfreind, has zero spanish experience, and got a bad cold all while getting here, which were not things that I experienced. But we will make it through this.

RUnning out of time right now but you will be informed on more next week

1) Elder Helske sleeping in his chair during personal study time

2) a good shot of me.

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