Monday, August 7, 2017

Week 11 ferrocarril

Queridos amigos,

Well it has been an excellent week here in Uruguay. Not because a lot of things super exciting happend, just because we're serving the Lord, being led by the spirit, and I enjoy being alive. That being said this week Andrès and Patricia who we started teaching the week I got here finally accepted a baptismal date for december 30th. But they have to decide that they want to get married first to fulfill with la ley de castidad. Most people in Uruguay don't ever get married because A) they don't see any reason for it B) It is really expensive and complicated to get married due to beuracracy C) It is even more complicated and expensive to get divorced. But whatcha gonna do. We also ran into an inactive member who sat near president Hinckley on a bus when he was here to dedicate the temple. We helped a different inactive member to put stucco on the brick room she is building for herself. I learned how to mix cement with a shovel on the street. I can now check that off of the long list of things that I don't know how to do but probably should.
Fun fact of the week. The English form of the spanish name Joaquìn is Jehoiachin. Ezekiel 1:2. I dare somebody to put that name to a child.
Lately we have been having really cold nights, and warm comfortable days. Maybe spring is coming early this year.

1) Elder Tenazoa's face. If you look closely you will notice that he has gold rimmed teeth. It was shocking the first time I saw it but now i don't notice.

2) I had a surprise reunion with Elder Filigrana today. He is currently serving in Lomas de Solymar, where I started and only has nine days of his mission left. He came to his old area in Melilla to say good by to people

3) ¡Football!!!!!!

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