Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 14

Good morning everyone,
It has been quite a week this week. It started out kind of slow and discouraging. Nothing was really happening. We went out one morning with the intention to talk to as many people as we could and it rained on us and nobody wanted anything. But then this Friday after zone conference I had a feel ing like we should go by this guy named Juan whou said to come by that day. Now this is someone whou I  had known since my first week and he was always too busy to do more than say hi, so I was going over there with the intention of chastizing him a little bit for always telling us to come by and never letting us in. But you know what, we got there and he stopped working and had us sit down and we had a great discussion about his life and the Gospel and it turns out he was super prepared and agrees that our message is true. After the trial of your faith, right? That same day we went to this family we have been visiting, and I have had the foal of moving them up to the level of more serious investigators, and they agreed to eventually be baptized and let us help them stop smoking. Two of them were even able to attend a meeting at church. Here I was thinking that everybody in Lomas who might accept the Gospel had already been found, but we are seeing some miracles and I know there have got to be more people out there bing prepared. My favorite contact this week happened yesterday. We were walkin past this house we always see and then I saq that they had chickens with no feathers on their necks in the yard. So I went and talked to the guy there and he was really friendly and let me hold on and offered to let me take a baby one before I left, which I strongly considered, but decided the logistics wouldn't work out. Also there have been some changes that make it so we have more control over our daily schedule, which will make it interesting, Although there weren't any crazy changes here like might happen in some other places.
Also I was talking to our recent convert patricia, and she was like, wow you have gotten skinny, when I met you you were super gordito! I only met her a month ago. I am going to have to punch a new hole in my belt soon:)
Qoute of the week: No seas trucho- Asistant to the president, Elder Richmond

This is a photo of some nice trees and dirt.
Attachments area

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