Monday, January 9, 2017

Week 11 I think.

Hi peoples,

Well we have had another great week here. Elder Lockhart is super sure that he is getting transfered next week, but this also means that this is my last week as an oro, which they call those of us in training, because we are still bright and shiny. This week we contacted some interesting people, including but not neceserally limited to a man dressed as a woman, and a German who doesn't speak spanish very well, but is here for the slow life and a stable South American government. I am worried because we need to find some new good investigators, but I am confident it is going to happen. Also I saw my first strange wildlife this week! There are a lot of wierd birds here and a ton of hilarious toads that hop around everywhere, but one day I was walking down a dirt backroad and I looked down a side street and I saw what looked like the backside of a guinea pig. It darted into the marshy brush, and I ran over there and saw it again for a second before it was gone. I will probably catch one someday and take a picture. Sorry that the emails have been shorter lately but I need more time. I will work on it. Have yourselves a great week,
Elder Christensen,

1: Sandía-watermelon

2: Sandíar- to eat a whole watermelon by yourself the night after a fast sunday.

3: Mission accomlished

This is a wierd waterbird that is everywhere here. No Idea what its called.

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