Saturday, January 28, 2017

week 13

Hey everybody,
Well it has been quite a week. I got my new comp Elder Caudle this week. We get a long really well and he is a good missionary. He has 18 months on the mission, but for some reason every one in his group goes home in four. This week was actually the most difficult for me so far because of the transfer of responsibilty to me, and I am not the kind of person that is the best at planning, but I have done a ton of growth this week as well, with the language and everything else. As far as stuff that has happened this week, There are these horses that just hang out in my neighborhood in a junk pile, and I saw the guy that owns them out with them, so we went over and had a good chat, and we sat on some piles of concrete and taught the restoration. It was pretty cool. Also we found a house that has a whale skull just hanging out in front of it. Crazy stuff. I think we are going to get good work done here. I just want to say that I know that this is the Lord's work because I feel closer to the spirit than I ever have before in my life. Now have yourselves all a great week.
Élder Christensen

1: Elder Caudle

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