Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Rocha Deleted

Hey everybody,
Well we have had some major curveballs thrown at us this week but I will get to that later. So a report about the Elder Holland conference. It was really cool. All 350+ missionaries from the Uruguay Montevideo and Uruguay Montevideo Oeste mission got to go up and shake his hand, and then he taught us about a lot of things especially about how preach my gospel was written so that missionaries would study it and be converted in order to later convert others and how we have to decide right now if we are going to be on the Lord's side or not, and also about the effective use of the book of mormon. But the most impressive moment was when he left his apostolic blessing that we as a mission would be able to progress and do even more than we are already doing, and that people would know that they had been in the presence of servants of God just by meeting us among other things. So that was really cool. Also he mentioned that we have two of the very best mission presidents in the whole church, and I have only met maybe three or four mission presidents in my life but I affirm that claim. Also Sister Teixeira who was also there and spoke sends her love.
So we had a great experience this week. Josè and Irma after a number of weeks investigating got baptized. Josè asked me to baptize him which was really cool because I have never gotten a chance to do that before. They basically said that when they were baptized they felt this incredible feeling like all of this weight just disapeared. It is really cool to see there testimonies grow and they are going to be great members of the branch here.
So this is where things start getting a little interesting. Our investigators Eric and Dayana were supposed to get baptized today on Elder Hemeyers last day. What happens is that Eric had already been to church a bunch and taken the missionary lessons in Montevideo, but then he moved here to get married, and we miraculously found them looking for a less active member. So dayana has only been twice to church and has to come three times to get baptized and they didn't come this week because they had to go to the hospital on sunday morning. So yesterday we were giving the numbers to the assistants and

Oh emergency, presidente Serròn is coming right now to get the key to the secretary office and I have to get off. Any way Eric and Dayana are getting baptised today anyway and we are filling up the font right now. We are getting whitewashed out of Rocha which I am super sad about and I am going tomorrow to Durazno because they closed La Paloma to missionary work and the zone of Rocha is changing from a zone to a district.
So yeah


2)Me, Cristofer, and Flopy

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