Monday, June 25, 2018


Hey everbody,
first of all
Uruguay 1, Arabia Saudita 0
And according to the commotion outside we just beat Rusia 2-0. Now España is going to get what's coming them. Or maybe Portugal depending on how their games go.

But anywho it was an interesting week this week. We are teaching this cool investgator named Tabárez who is medio gaucho. He used to be in the uruguayan cavalry and did peace missions in the congo. He has a strong testimony of the book of mormon because even though he barley sees well enough to read he has some close freinds who just got baptized and it has made an enourmaous difference in their lives. And he feels the spirit very strongly when he goes to church and things. So we will see what happens.
Had another fun experience last night. It was 8:30 last night and we were almost as far away from the house as we could get when we see this really sketchy looking guy stop in the street and look back at us. Then we catch up to him and he says " wow good thing I ran into you guys". And then he just breaks down and starts sobbing and telling his whole life story about how he is a drug addict and that he was on drugs right then and  how his señora is alcoholic and that they always fight and that he tries to work hard and do things right but that nothing ever goes well for him. So then he walked with like twenty minutes with us down some unlit back roads and calmed down alot. I was pretty tense the whole time but Elder Hilton was pretty tranquil. Anyway he wants us to come teach him so we will see what we can do.
Have a good week.
Elder Christensen

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