Monday, June 11, 2018


Hey everybody,
Well It was super sad to leave Rocha but my new area is really great as well. It is about a three hour drive strait north from Montevideo. My new companion is Elder Hilton from Santa rosa California/ slash also Utah. We got replaced in Rocha by Elder Harper from Las Vegas, Gringolandia, and Elder Ibarra from Lima, Perusalén, and they seem on track do get my old investigators batizados.. It is really cool as well because I am now in the zone with my beloved son Elder Helske now serving in Paso de los Toros, and Elder Lemos who is really cool and is serving in Sarandí del Yi.
Let me  know if you have any questions.
Love Elder Christensen.

Eric and I after his baptism

Elder Hilton 

Elder Helske and Elder Granillo. I have more time on the mission thatn both of them combined. Crazy

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