Monday, June 25, 2018


Hey everbody,
first of all
Uruguay 1, Arabia Saudita 0
And according to the commotion outside we just beat Rusia 2-0. Now España is going to get what's coming them. Or maybe Portugal depending on how their games go.

But anywho it was an interesting week this week. We are teaching this cool investgator named Tabárez who is medio gaucho. He used to be in the uruguayan cavalry and did peace missions in the congo. He has a strong testimony of the book of mormon because even though he barley sees well enough to read he has some close freinds who just got baptized and it has made an enourmaous difference in their lives. And he feels the spirit very strongly when he goes to church and things. So we will see what happens.
Had another fun experience last night. It was 8:30 last night and we were almost as far away from the house as we could get when we see this really sketchy looking guy stop in the street and look back at us. Then we catch up to him and he says " wow good thing I ran into you guys". And then he just breaks down and starts sobbing and telling his whole life story about how he is a drug addict and that he was on drugs right then and  how his señora is alcoholic and that they always fight and that he tries to work hard and do things right but that nothing ever goes well for him. So then he walked with like twenty minutes with us down some unlit back roads and calmed down alot. I was pretty tense the whole time but Elder Hilton was pretty tranquil. Anyway he wants us to come teach him so we will see what we can do.
Have a good week.
Elder Christensen

Monday, June 18, 2018

Vamos arriba Uruguay

Dearly beloved freinds and family.

First of all I just want to say that
We were doing our weekly planning session this last friday when all of a sudden we heard many explosions and gunshots and sirens and full throughted shouting and felt the need to duck under the table because the house was shaking a little bit, but also felt the contentment to know that Uruguay had scored on Egypt and the burning certainty that the Celeste will go on to win the world cup this year.

But other than that it has very very very very chilly this week. When the sun is out for a short period each day it is too hot to where a coat but when it goes away it is imposible to keep your whole body warm all at once. I honestly havn't been sleeping very well because the cold keeps waking me up early every morning even though I have a nice duck down sleeping back. But not complaing because it is worth it to be able to preach the gospel of Christ all day Every day.
We have a ton of investigators and New converts here, and we are in the biggest ward I have ever been in so there is a ton of work to do here. It is really refreshing to look back every sunday and see a full chapel with tons of young people. Our ward mission leader is always amazing. His name is Hermano Pedro Herreros and he is from Valencia spain so he speaks in vosotros and with a funny accent. But every time we set up a solid appoint ment with an investigator we send him a text and he contracts a ward member to go with us.
But yeah
Love you guys.
Elder Christensen

 1) Elder Lemos forgot to shave and wear a tie this day because in Sarand´' del Yi there are no street lights so he couldn't see himself

 2) Elder Córdova made us cow heart with spinach rice today. Super good. I have decided that in terms of culinary excellency it goes Thai food, then southern food, then peruvian food.

3) this is Elder Córdova and Elder Nalder who we live with

Monday, June 11, 2018


Hey everybody,
Well It was super sad to leave Rocha but my new area is really great as well. It is about a three hour drive strait north from Montevideo. My new companion is Elder Hilton from Santa rosa California/ slash also Utah. We got replaced in Rocha by Elder Harper from Las Vegas, Gringolandia, and Elder Ibarra from Lima, Perusalén, and they seem on track do get my old investigators batizados.. It is really cool as well because I am now in the zone with my beloved son Elder Helske now serving in Paso de los Toros, and Elder Lemos who is really cool and is serving in Sarandí del Yi.
Let me  know if you have any questions.
Love Elder Christensen.

Eric and I after his baptism

Elder Hilton 

Elder Helske and Elder Granillo. I have more time on the mission thatn both of them combined. Crazy

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Rocha Deleted

Hey everybody,
Well we have had some major curveballs thrown at us this week but I will get to that later. So a report about the Elder Holland conference. It was really cool. All 350+ missionaries from the Uruguay Montevideo and Uruguay Montevideo Oeste mission got to go up and shake his hand, and then he taught us about a lot of things especially about how preach my gospel was written so that missionaries would study it and be converted in order to later convert others and how we have to decide right now if we are going to be on the Lord's side or not, and also about the effective use of the book of mormon. But the most impressive moment was when he left his apostolic blessing that we as a mission would be able to progress and do even more than we are already doing, and that people would know that they had been in the presence of servants of God just by meeting us among other things. So that was really cool. Also he mentioned that we have two of the very best mission presidents in the whole church, and I have only met maybe three or four mission presidents in my life but I affirm that claim. Also Sister Teixeira who was also there and spoke sends her love.
So we had a great experience this week. Josè and Irma after a number of weeks investigating got baptized. Josè asked me to baptize him which was really cool because I have never gotten a chance to do that before. They basically said that when they were baptized they felt this incredible feeling like all of this weight just disapeared. It is really cool to see there testimonies grow and they are going to be great members of the branch here.
So this is where things start getting a little interesting. Our investigators Eric and Dayana were supposed to get baptized today on Elder Hemeyers last day. What happens is that Eric had already been to church a bunch and taken the missionary lessons in Montevideo, but then he moved here to get married, and we miraculously found them looking for a less active member. So dayana has only been twice to church and has to come three times to get baptized and they didn't come this week because they had to go to the hospital on sunday morning. So yesterday we were giving the numbers to the assistants and

Oh emergency, presidente Serròn is coming right now to get the key to the secretary office and I have to get off. Any way Eric and Dayana are getting baptised today anyway and we are filling up the font right now. We are getting whitewashed out of Rocha which I am super sad about and I am going tomorrow to Durazno because they closed La Paloma to missionary work and the zone of Rocha is changing from a zone to a district.
So yeah


2)Me, Cristofer, and Flopy