Saturday, July 8, 2017

Week five in Ferrocarril

My fellow patriots,

Well Los Estados Unidos de Amèrica cumplen dos cientos cuarenta y uno años hoy. I think. So to celebrate the zone leaders hosted a zone activity where we made hamurgers, because they are both americans. Also it is transfers this week. So this is what is happening. Elder Diaz got called to be a district leader in Las Piedras, so coming to replace him is this kid named Elder Tenesoa from Perù. He is the trainee of Elder Castillo who we share the house with who is also from Perù. Elder Castillo is receiving a new companion named Elder Vera, from Perù. I am going to be in a house with three peruanos. Wish me luck.

As far as interesting things that happened this week. Well we had found this new investigator named Jonathan a couple of weeks ago, and then after that we couldn't find him. Yesterday we encountered him in the street. He said that the day after we talked to him he and his pareja had had an argument because of his drug problems and she kicked him out of the house so he is living in the street. We taught him about how repentance works and he asked to meet with us on friday. I see potential.

1) If I remember right the flag looks something like this.

2) A gaucho

3) Elder Saeteros

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