Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ten months in

Querido gente,

Well it has been mostly a very normal week. I have learned that most weeks in the mission are pretty normal. But we did have some excellent experiences. To start we had a multizone conference with president Eddy in carrasco next to the temple. It was a great conference where I learned a lot of things. And then afterwards we were in portones shopping center waiting for our bus to show up and this young man walked up to us and he said " you guys are mormons right?" and we were like " yeah we're mormons" then he told us about how he was italian but had lived in Uruguay for the past four years and how that he had never seen mormons in Italy, but that there were a bunch of mormons in Uruguay and now he was really interested in the subject of religion in general. Then it turned out that he was taking the same bus as us, so he sat by Elder Tenazoa who used his magic powers, and by the end of the bus ride this guy, (David) was in tears because he felt the spirit so strongly, and had a baptismal date and every thing. So we sent his reference to the secretaries of the other mission.
The other thing that happend was that we had an appointment with a future investigator close to our house named Eddy. We hadn't been able to get his phone number or anything so as we were approaching his house I was thinking " wow it takes a lot of faith to show up at an uncomfirmed appointment after so many instances of them falling through, And then he let us in and we taught most of his family. Faith folks, it really works.

1) Elder Vera caught me passed out at the end of the day. Yes it had been a number of days since I cleaned or organized my personal living space. But rest assured that I did it today. This is actually getting to be a problem, becuase I fall asleep before I can organize the carpeta de àrea or write in me journal or clean. But I am working on it.

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