Monday, June 26, 2017

Week four or five in Ferrocarril

Dear Gente,

Well it has been a kind of normal kind of interesting week. During the week we didn't really have much going on but then by the week en d everything started picking up. We found A few new investigators. One of them is named Jonathan. He is a young father who has been in and out of prison for robbery and drug use, but he beleives in Jesus and wants to change his life. So thats cool. We also found this guy named carlos. It was strange because most Uruguayos talk and talk , but he just gave direct answers to our questions and listened. We weren't sure what to do. He practices Quimbanda, which is kind of like Umbanda, but they do ritual baths with sheeps blood instead of chicken blood. Other than that I am not really sure what the difference is. We also found the Peireira family again after they recovered from the flu so that was great.

A commentary about Uruguay. First I am going to make a comparison. In Kentucky it is very common to find middle aged Mothers pushing strollers in the park smoking cigarretes, which can be shocking. Well in Montevideo it is very common to find middle aged Mothers pushing strollers in the park smoking Marijuana ( i.e. Porro) which is very shocking. sometimes as missionaries we are temted to complain about how wicked everything is and how duro the gente is, but then we just have to take a step back and remember that as bad as things might get, Buenos Aires will always be worse. I love this country.

Today for preparation day we enjoyed an asado casero. I don't know why they don't do this allà in the states because fatty ribs are really tasty.

Also last night I had my first dream in spanish that I can remeber very well. We were in a factory of somesort, and Elder Diaz started  trying to flirt with this girl, and I was like " No podès hacer eso, estàs rompieno las reglas" and then he got really mad and yelled "¡Callate!" and that is all.

Congratulations to my brother Michah who fulfills twelve years this saturday. Also congratulations to cousins Alan and Emily for managing to get married. 

 1: 🎶 Peñarol, peñarol, peñarol🎶

2: sunrise in the back yard 

3: Asado

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