Tuesday, June 20, 2017

I feel kind of dizzy and light headed right now and I am not sure if it is the cold, low blood pressure or the Mate. I need to stop drinking half a liter all at once

Dear colegues in the mortal experience,

Well what can I say about this week. We have had some interesting experiences. For example We found our first inestigadora who is umbandista. Umbanda is an interesting religion that has most of its religious vocabulary in portugues. We have actually been finding a lot of investigators for this zone but we only have one that is activley preparing for baptism. We need to change that. A lot of our investigators have been sick latley because in winter people get sick here. Among other things, Pablo has been pretty stressed because his duaghter Antonella is was having serious heart problems so I am worried he  has been smoking a lot.
I had an interesting experience this week. We were with a member and we got out late, and we have to be in the house by nine thirty, because you know if your obedient you get blessed and thats a fact, and they live as far a way as possible and we saw that we weren't going to make it so we started running in rain boots and everything for like a kilometer. It is the first time I have really run in nine months, so my lungs were kind of destroyed but we got home just in time. 
Also our area has a border with the other mission, an area called barrio peƱarol. We were walking on it one night and we ran into the elders from that area. They were a paraguayo and a peruano. It was fun.

1) a caballo

2) fall

3) A happy sight

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