Friday, April 6, 2018

General Conference

So I was reading an English grammar text recently and listed a number of English greetings, and then said that in the United States people frequently say Howdy. I don't remember any one ever saying that to me in serious but here it goes:
Howdy Folks,
Well, I sure had the best general conference of my life. I think it was because my mission has broken me down so much that I am now sufficiently humble to receive the simple yet powerful teachings of the latter-day prophets. Or maybe something else. But I especially enjoyed the talk by Brian K. Taylor. I am thinking about giving it to our investigator Carolina because it would help her. If you don't happen to be a member of la Iglesia mormona and didn't see the conference here is the link so that you too can enjoy profound spiritual insights:
Also we got a new Brazilian Apostol! Brasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil! O mais grande do mundo!!! Ordem E Progresso!!! Elder Araújo said he was so filled with joy when it was anounced about Elder Soares that he almost shed tears. Not that nacionality makes any difference in inspired ecclesiastical callings.
Also I just want to say that when I had the opportunity to stand and sustain President Nelson as the new prophet I really felt a strong spiritual confirmation that he is a true prophet. Life is good.

And yeah so we have had an interesting week, We usually find a lot of people who are willing to listen to our message but this week it was just pure rejection. Not really sure what happened. We have been working a lot with Carolina who was supposed to get baptised this week, but the prison visit days for her pareja, and now fiance (Yay! Commandment keeping) Changed to Sunday so she wouldn't be able to come to church to get confirmed. We are not really sure what to do about, but I am confident that at some point in the next few months she will be able to make saving covenants with God and receive the Holy Spirit, so it is okay.

Eu quero viver no uruguai para sempre mas minha mai quer me ver de novo.

1) Brandon Eddy got called to the santiago chile north mission

2) I officially wore a sweater out to preach for the first time this year so I put on a really fake smile and had my picture taken

3) The printer is having problems so I got a cool tatoo

4) Starting to look like fall in Carrasco 

5) I made German Apple Pancakes. They didn't turn out like at home but they were eaten sunday morning for the conference, so justice has been satisfied

6) Elder Hollands mom sent him dried Kuhfleisch, a rare prize this far south.

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