Saturday, March 24, 2018


Hey Everbody,
Well We made through changes alive and now I only have five more weeks to be in the offices so wish me luck. Elder Newman moved on and we have a new financer, Elder Noel, Tanner Klaus Noel. He is great. He plays the Viola. It makes me wish I had a trombone with me but that would be harder to lug around and I am sure that the neighbors wouldn't be very happy with me.
So we had a really cool experience today. This kid named Letiel just got baptized a little bit ago. Elder Newman and Elder Araújo found him a few weeks ago playing american football which he loves, and he said he didn't really beleive in God or anything, but then he showed up to church that week in the rain and loved it and has developed a really strong testimony ever since. He is a really special person and is going to make a great missionary in a few years.
Other than that the nights are becoming quite chilly and the leaves are falling and we are descending rapidly into a cold dreary humid winter but that is okay because I actually love gloomy weather, it makes me feel adventurous.
So love you guys.
Un gran beso.
Elder Christensen

1: This is Elder Lemos from Brasilia. I don't actually know him that well but he is super cool so I took a picture.

2: I got hungry one morning so I made sort of a crepe type thing.

3: This is Elder Noel, Elder Araújo, Letiel, and Elder Newman back for the baptism.

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