Monday, April 24, 2017

Week one of cambio 5

Hey everyone,
Wow this week went by really fast and I can't even remember what happened. I do know that yesterday we were able to teach a lesson to an investigator named mirta who is little and old. We taught her about how and why families can be together eternally and she received it really well. We also found a new investigator named Luís who we taught about the restoration and how the Book of Mormon testifies of teh divinty of Christ. He received it well and I am thinking that he is going to make some serious progression. 
All of the missionaries in the stake are organizing a mission related activity for the youth this saturday, and on sunday we handed out mock mission calls, and all of the youth in our ward are really excited. One was so enthusiastic that she gave us a list of six of her friends that she wants us to go and teach. Things are going pretty well here.
Other than that we are descending into a cold wet winter. It is pretty fun. Oh and I don't know why I keep forgetting to write about this but every saturday at 10 am I teach an english class. I am not exactly sure why because I am  definitley not qualified to speak english professionally but we only have one student so not too much damage done.
Well disfrutensen su semana
Elder Christensen

1) Melo, 200 years in the making

2) Elder Filigrana ready to go

Monday, April 17, 2017

Semana Santa

Dear freinds and family,
Well it was Holy Week this week. I had a lot of special opportunities to reflect on the life of Christ. It was also changes this week. Elder Cortez went to the Maroñas zone in Montevideo, which is one of the most dangerous areas of our mission, but also one of the most succesful, so I am sure  he will have fun. I am staying here in Colòn with my new comp, Elder Filigrana. He is six feet tall, 130 kilograms, 25 years old, and from Cali, Colombia. He has four months left on the mission, and is really experienced, so I think this will be a good change.
We found a new investigator this week named Alberto, who we taught where he lives and works in the local cigarillo distrubution center ( That is to say the Uruguay approved cigarillos, Not the illegal brazilian ones). I consider him to be a golden investigator solely because he invited his neighbor to come to the appointment with us. We had a really good talk with Javier about the restoration of the Gospel and the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, and he promised to read and pray about it so that was also pretty great. We taught the plan of salvation to Alexander, and then he accepted a baptismal date! That was pretty exciting as well.
I would like to say that sunday morning is the most spiritually stressful time in a missionary's week. In the morning I was reading about the ressurection and then I was getting ready I just felt this overwhelming joy to know that Christ really lives and rose from the grave. Then at church Alezander didn't come even though he said he would the day before, and when that happens you just feel really sad. All in a days work though. It really was a wonderful Easter, and I am grateful to be able to share the message of Jesus Christ with so many people.
Have a fantastic week, and don't eat too much choclate,
Elder Christensen.

P.S. There are no USB ports in this computer.
Hey everybody,
I hope Its been a good week. I write tuesday because all of a sudden six weeks have passed and we are in changes again. What is happening is that Elder Cortez is going to maroñas in Montevideo. My new companion is going to be Elder Filigrana. I think he is from colombia and has quite a bit of time on the mission but I can't be sure. As far as what happened this week, It rained a bit. We taught some people. We are kind of worried about Malaquías because he seems to be having some challenges and is not as willing to progress spiritually as he was. We did find eight new investigators in the last two days which was pretty cool. Also our investigator Alexander agreed to be baptized in a month. It was pretty cool because what he said was that we are brining him the word of God and you just have to do what is says. So I am pretty evcited for him. It is easter time and I just want to say that I am glad to have a testimony of Christ as our savior and master.
I am not really having a lot of creative writing ideas today so thanks for listening,
Elder Christensen


Zone Leader and Former Asistant to the president Elder Harold Helaman Palomino Romero helping a guy cook asado
High Everyone,
This week has been pretty great. In the beggining of the week we found three new investigators. The first one is a guy named Alexander and he is the local forensics police officer. Because of that he started showing us pictures of victims of car accidents and homicide from his work, which was kind of traumatic, but we still taught with the spirit and he said it gave him goosebumps. The second was a woman named Gabriela who is a person that really understands what it means to be a Christian and is diligently reading the book of mormon. The last is sergio who just likes to listen.
We had the opportunity to have interviews with president Eddy this week, which was really cool because he is super wise even though he is only 42 or something.
We also got to listen to general conference in the chapel this week. I was really grateful to have an opportunity to listen to living profets, and recieve inspiration.
Also after diligent searching and prayer we found my memory card hidden under a ten peso coin.

3) When your mom isn't around to make the tradicional german apple pancakes for conference you have to do it your self