Saturday, December 9, 2017


Hey Everybody,
Well I can't really remember much of what happened this week, because it all seems like a blur. Here are some highlights. I administered English tests to the Latino missionaries who are leaving this week and want to get certified. We had interviews with President Eddy that ended up taking most of the day and were followed by very short two hour intercambios with the zone leaders. We got the report back from the church on baptisms and confirmations for the month of December and their were some really weird discrepancies between their records and ours, because they included some people as having been baptized that weren't and we have no Idea why so we are trying to get that figured out. Also one of the girlfriends of one of the missionaries sent him an enormous package through DHL and whenever that happens we have to go get it out of customs which took two hours and they opened it up and it was just full of candy and children's toys and gift wrap. And all of the other people in line were chuckling. We felt slightly embarrassed. So please don't send packages to your missionaries through DHL or Fedex.
And yeah there was just a bunch of stuff preventing us from working in our area this week which was super frustrating, but I am sure that next week will be better.
Also I think my brother Seth has a birthday this week so if you see him please say Happy birthday at him.

Scripture of the week- Mormón 9: 27-28


1: Getting Christmas packages from the area offices

2: Our minds were blown by this sign

3: Chivitos Uruguayos

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