Sunday, December 31, 2017

Well I am happy to report that we have survived Christmas. Now we are preparing ourselves for new years. Christmas was really great. We spent Christmas eve with a family in our ward and a bunch other people that they had invited and they gave us the best asado of my whole mission. Then we got to stay up to watch the fire works. There were a lot of fire works. We were on our roof and some guy started shooting fireworks in the plaza in front of where we live and they shot right over us  so that we could feel the rubble landing on us. So that was fun. And a lot of other stuff has happened. It was just a super spiritual uplifting week. Also changes happened the other week so we have two new people in the office. They are Elder Araújo From Joao Pessoa, Brasil, And Elder Holland from North Carolina. But also Utah as well. 
So happy New year and I will see you next week.

1: Elder Araújo

2: Elder Holland

3: Preparing an excellent asado with the Palavé family

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