Monday, October 9, 2017

I can't really remember what week it is. If someone could do the math and let me know that would be great.

Hey everybody,
How's it been going? Well,I hope. I have been hanging in pretty well. We had a good week this week. We found some cool new investigators. one is named Nacho. He mostly cuts hair and plays soccer. I have gotten a lot better at soccer. I suppose I would call it a blessing, but I am still really bad. We also got to do some cool service projects this week. My favorite was when we went and move a bunch a logs into a burn pile for some church members that had cut down a tree. It reminded me of home. I always really liked stacking firewood. We had a conference with president eddy. That was also very helpful. 
We also ran into an american. We just sat by these kids and started talking to them about some basic gospel principles. Then some of there friens came and they pointed out one who they said speaks english. So we started talking to him, but my brain was confused so I kept switching between languages on accident. His name was kevin from georgia, but he has lived in Uruguay for the last seven years so he kind of talks like a robot. Don't tell him I said that though. It is always fun to run into americans.
So yeah thanks for listening,
Elder Christensen

1) The first Cigarettes That I have ever confiscated from an investigator. I am thinking about starting a collection

2) Biscochitos

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