Monday, October 23, 2017

Baptism, Not just a mythical occurence.

Hey Everybody!

Well I subject my email like that because we finally got to help somebody get baptized here. His name is Hernàn and he is a niño of once años. Elder helske and I were praying and fasting last change that we would be able to have that experience, and he just kind of showed up although it is a sad story. His dad died a few weeks ago in an auto accident, and his granpa, Julio showed up at church and started taking him. Julio has beleived that the church is true since the 70's but has never been able to get baptized because his wife is super atheist, and won't let him. But we have been working with Hernàn, and he decided to bautizarse. He is a really quiet,intelligent kid that reminds me of my brother Micah. Probably my favorite niño after my brothers. But we have been working a lot with the ward and president Eddy to make sure he gets all of the support he needs to have success as an active member which has been great. But we were mostly dealing with that all week so we didn't get much other stuff done.
We also went over to the area of La Paz to help the hermanas ( which I guess in english is probably sister missionaries) With a fun service project for one of there recent converts who has Parkinsons. We besically just tore sheet metal off of his roof and took out the old rotting planks so he can put a new roof on. But the thing is that winter has gone so i got a sweet t-shirt burn.
And yeah, Other than that our new director de la obra misional Josè Marìa Rodriguez and his wife Yolanda are fantastic. They are super hard working and organized the whole baptizmal service for us. Also we are having ward council regularly again, so I am really happy not to be doing everything on our own anymore.
Here is a joke. What is the difference between una vaca argentina y una vaca uruguaya? ¡La vaca argentina da leche, y la vaca uruguaya dale che! Love that one.
Creyendo a mi manera,
Elder Christensen

1) This is Hernàn with Manuel Sandes who baptized him. The sandes family is acting as his surrogate family in the ward for now.

2) One of the members from La Paz let me hold her pet rat after the service project. One of many small blessings we experience daily.

3) There is nothing to do around here so we went to drink mate with the zone leaders and have an asadito this morning. This is elder paulson. He is from salt lake city. He is weird. But so is elder Lockhart so they get along great.

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