Tuesday, September 12, 2017

week 51 ish

Hey everybody!
Well it has been a cool week this week. Elder Helske continues to make steady progress. Except that he likes Uruguyo junk food way to much. Every thursday and monday there is a churro cart in the far corner of our area, which really isn't that far becasue our area is tiny. But it means that every thursday and monday night we have to go and throw down 100 mangos on churros. Other than that the assitants to the president came over to do divisions in our area because Our district leader Elder espìnola asked them to because he is kind of broken with a herniated disk. SO I spent the day with Elder Hunt. We had this slightly drunk guy come up and talk to us and we taught him about how he is a child of God and how through the atonement he can be healed of his alcholism. So he through away the water bottle full of cheap wine in his hand. His name is Javier. He has forty six years of age. Just like my dad as of this week. Except he looks way older than my dad. Uruguay wouldn't be uruguay without large quantities of boxed wine. It has also been raining a ton the last few days. Rain is fun.

This is just what a month in Uruguay does to someone so don't judge.

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