Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I can't even remember what week it is so I am going to stop trying

Well I was seriously hoodwinked this week. There we were just sitting on the curb teaching nelson about the restoration, when Patricia, one of our investigators saw us and was like "hermanos come over here when you are done" So we went over and she asked us if we liked mortadela, and I didn't know what mortadela was so she sent her daughter to go get us some. She brought out two sandwiches that had some kind of lunch meet on them, and she told us it was made of horse. So I thought cool Ive never eaten a horse before. So I ate it. And it had a weird flavor. And I thought it must be what horse tastes like. Except Elder Helske said the horse flesh in finland is a lot stronger. So then the next day we were eating lunch with Presidente Viera. And I told him about it. And he said that Mortadela is traditionally made with horse meat. But it is illegal to sell horse meat here excpet for export to france. And that they just make it with a mixture of cow flesh and swine flesh. SO it would have been a cool story. But now it is Just a dissapointing story.

Also Elder Helske is having a problem. He has been struck with the new missionary alfahor addiction syndrome. I don't blame him because they are perfect, but now it is like every day, " Can we buy alfahors? Do you think we could get some alfahors before we go in for the night?  What do you think the best alfahor out of all these would be? It is okay though because he is dangerously underweight and can't eat much in one sitting. We did try deep frying alfahors in fat and it was good.

Other than that I have just got to say I am really glad to be on the mission. It's worth every sacrifice. So go on a mission if you didn't get the hint.

1) Refined fat. Just the thing for a rainy day

2) Playing uno with the zone

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