Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Hey Everybody,
Well changes came this week and I ended my sentence as mission secretary, which was bitter sweet. Had to say good bye to the Eddys, and I didn't have time to despedirme de los investgators which was also kind of sad, But I am really happy about my changes. So I came to the city of Rocha, which is in the department of Rocha, which is about three hours from Montevideo by bus. My New companion is Elder Hemeyer from Mesa Arizona. He is in his very last change of his mission so his goal is to stay strong and focused and not fizzle out. But Rocha is cool it is a city of 30'000 inhabitants and it only has one branch and is part of a district. This is the first time I have ever served in a branch. It is actually kind of lonley, because when I got to the mission there were three companionships in the City and now the number of missionaries world wide is dropping, so they just closed the second to last area in Rocha and now it is just us two and we have do a half whitewash and have the whole city to ourselves, which is great because we will never run out of people to talk to or work to do. And besides that in the zone there are just three other companionships, one in Chuy, one in Castillos, and one in La Paloma, which are all other little cities. So we are the littlest zone.
But yeah we have been working like crazy, we are getting up at six doing all of our studies in the morning and leaving early and working like ten or eleven hour proselyting days, and this is me coming off of the four hour office shedule, so my body is kind of like wasted right now, and also there is less food here, so I see myself losing a lot of wheight in what will probably be my last area. But we had this huge miracle happen. My whole mission it has been really difficult to get people to come to church which is a requirment before baptism, so we have always gone out to pick up investigators before church, but it isn't easy. So this last sunday we had some investigators from the other area named José and Irma who were going to have us come pick them up, and 8:30 comes around and it just starts pouring rain and all of the streets flood instantly and we are thinking, oh no they aren't going to come but we called them and they said they were waiting for us so we go over and get soaked and they walked with us through the rain and stayed all three hours at church, and hopefully they get baptised on june second but please pray for them. And yeah I am super happy.
But anyway mando un beso and hope y'all have a great week

1: Me saying goodbye to Ruben Gabriel other Gabriel and Jorge. Super sad. 

2: Elder Heymer and I. Hopefully I will get some better pictures and a haircut by next week.

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