Sunday, December 31, 2017

La Navidad

Hey everybody,
Well we are getting really excited for the Navidad here. At least I am. And also everybody I live with. And also the assistants who I don't live with. And the shopping malls. And I think most of the missionaries as well. This week was pretty cool. First off we got the oros this week. I love receiving the new missionaries and seeing what their first reactions are. It is great. You would think that they would have researched more about Uruguay but usually they haven't. For example they are often surprised about the way people here look. Like one of the missionaries this time was really surprised that the guy doing his medical exam was a ginger, but there are a lot of gingers here in Montevideo. And they always have a lot of funny questions.
We also had the mission Christmas conferences this week. There were two with half of the mission at a time. Us oficinistas prepared an accapella  rendition of silent night and it turned out really well. 
And we taught a bunch of investigators as well.
In order to not feel sad about being away from home on Christmas here is a list of things I am grateful for about Uruguay.

1 Uruguayos
2 Yerba Mate
3 Guachos and their epic clothing
4 Asado
5 Besitos
6 Dulce de Leche
7 The beautiful landscape
8 The weird accent
9 Being super tranquilo
10 The fact that a nice date can consist of sitting in a plaza, drinking mate, eating a few biscochos, and maybe kissing a little bit with no more than a hundred pesitos spent.
11 The birds
12 The fact that all conversations end up going for the branches
13 La Noche de Nostalgia
14 Salus
15 Alfajores
16 That you can say Adios mijo, and it means hello

Good now I feel less homesick.

So it is Christmas time and that means that we should talk about Jesus. I had a spiritual breakthrough this week. We were in the Christmas conference and President Eddy made somethings clear to me that I hadn't Understood before. I used to think that when Christ said that " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of the my brethren ye have done it unto me it was because when we do nice things He approves and when we do bad things He disapproves. But then I realized that when we alleviate somebodies suffering or that when we avoid sin it has a direct affect on Christs atonement. The atonement wasn't something that happened and ya está, it is something that is eternal and always present. When we do something to someone else we are literally doing it to him. It is mind blowing to think about. So this Christmas season let us resolve to be more like the Savior and not stop in our spiritual development.

I love you guys, Have a very excellent Christmas.
Un Beso,
Elder Christensen.

Oh and also I started driving a little bit this week. I thought it would be weird but it ended up feeling very normal.

1) A tender reunion with old companions

2) Manzy getting something from the van

3) A nice church

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