Saturday, December 16, 2017

Change week

Hey y'all whats up,
So this was a super full week and tons of stuff happened that I could write about but i will just mention a few highlights. First of all I just want to say that even though we don't always have a ton of time to go out and proselyte the Lord blesses the time we do have. So last weekend we went out and we found this new couple to teach named Gladys and Ruben and just let me tell you they are some of the best investigators ever. Over the course of the week we had several charlas with them including in the chapel and they came all dressed up and are super excited to come to church this tomorrow.
Also we decided to go into El Cante del Medio, which is this part of our area that we had never been before and we found this guy named fabian who lives in a black can and is very addicted to tobacco. We taught him some stuff in the front of his van while smoke from a pile of burning trash blew in and a bunch of little kids piled in to the back of the van to listen  to us. It was awesome. We set a goal for him to not smoke at all during our next lesson becasue he literally can't go five seconds without lighting a cigarrette. Then after our lesson he gave us a reference to a family called Vique that lives down the street. So we went over there and it turns out that they have 14 children and we taught a bunch of them and they all want to get baptized. The only problem is that the visiting days for the two oldest children in prison are on sunday so it makes it hard for the parents to come to church with us.

Also there is a church travel black out during the week of Christmas because travel is so expensive so changes are weird this time around. We already sent the valientes home on friday a week early. So on thursday we were in the offices getting everything ready and I got a call from one of our investigators named María. She and her husband Alberto are just a super cute little old couple that love having us over. So asks " ¿Dónde andan ustedes? and I was like " Estamos acá en la capilla." And she said "Bueno, vengan que les hice una torta de naranja". We went over after the baptismal interview for the financiers and ate the very best cake I have ever had in uruguay (Cake isn't very good here. Don't tell anyone I said that.") and taught about the importance of sabath day worship. It was beautiful.

Talk to you maybe on Christmas or maybe some other time,
Elder Christensen

1) Merry Christmas

2) I look awkward in this one

3) Eating the leftovers from the valiente dinner

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