Monday, July 10, 2017

Week1 Change 2 Ferrocarril

Hey everbody,

Well has been a pretty interesting week. My new companion Elder Tenazoa arrived on wednesday morning. He has been on the mission for about four and a half months, but he is like a Wizard. For example we had this one lesson about the plan of salvation with our investigators Sergio and Evelyn and their Children, and at the begining of the lesson they were atheists, and by the end of the lesson they beleived in God. It is like beatiful gospel magic. I am pretty happy about it. Other than that it started raining on thursday morning and hasn't stopped, and that combined with the fact that it gets dark at six for winter has really put a damper on proselyting efforts. But it just means that God is saving up for a really really big miracle. So I am waiting.
Our less active members Diego and Camila got married this week so we got to go to their reception, and the next day they gave us a really big plate of cake and Pizza. Pizza in uruguay is actually pan con tuco, but it is still good.

I would like to give a shout out to my friend Hunter Fields, who has been called to serve in Rosarion, Argentina. Good luck Hunter.

Quotable quote of the week: Venid a mi todos vosotros que tenèis frio, y yo os abrigarè- Elder Castillo

1) Elder Tenazoa and I

2) Peñarol mi orgullo, tu envidia

3) The guy in my favorite sketchy hamburger stand

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